Broiler/Fryer: Daily Estimated Slaughter of Broiler/Fryers
Atlanta, GA         Mon. Oct 26, 2020          USDA Market News

BROILER/FRYER: Daily Estimated Slaughter of Broiler/Fryers

               Estimate          Actual           Avg. Wt.          Actual         Avg. Wt.
               (1,000)           (1,000)                           (1,000)
                  10/26            10/22             10/22           10/19           10/15
Alabama           4,375            4,326              5.46            4,385           5.30
Arkansas          4,701            4,844              6.19            4,662           6.22
Delmarva          2,137            2,163              7.25            2,011           7.19
KY-LA-TN          2,351            2,333              5.76            2,281           5.74
Mississippi       2,513            2,539              6.42            2,782           6.27
North Carolina    3,620            3,571              8.29            3,497           8.36
Texas             2,798            2,753              6.77            2,789           6.97
Total            22,495           22,529              6.54           22,407           6.51
Mon              22,495 (A)                                          22,407(A)

(A) Weekly cumulative for states listed above.
Broiler-fryer slaughter under federal inspection for 26-Oct-20
is estimated to be 34,236,000 up 1.82 percent from a week ago
and down 1.6 percent from a year ago.
(last week 33,624,000 last year 34,796,000)

SOURCE: USDA Livestock, Poultry, & Grain Market News
        Atlanta, GA    404-562-5850  email:

Prepared: 26-Oct-20 11:27 AM C CMB